The Secret Superfood for Birds: Why Caterpillars Are Essential
Did you know caterpillars are essential for bird health? During breeding season, birds like chickadees rely on caterpillars to feed their baby birds. Young birds need the protein-packed nutrition that only insects provide. At last weekend’s Bringing Back the Natives Garden conference, NY Times bestselling author Doug Tallamy emphasized how caterpillars are a keystone species for our entire food web. In his book Nature’s Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation that Starts in Your Yard, we learned that there are over 44 million acres of lawn across the U.S. that can be looked at as an opportunity for hope. Native plants in our gardens can help bring insects back and the birds who thrive upon them.
Ways to Support the Food Web in Your Landscape
-Plant Native Species to attract the insects birds depend on.
-Reduce Lawn Space and create pollinator or insect-friendly gardens.
-Supplement Birds Diet with fresh water, seed, suet, and nectar for bird feeding.
-Avoid Pesticides to protect insects the birds love.
Together, we can make a difference for birds—and the caterpillars they depend on. By making these changes, we can support birdwatching, bird feeding, and bird health in our own yards. We invite you to visit us at the store for fresh bird seed, feeders, and more tips for creating a bird-friendly habitat.