
Building a Backyard Habitat to Attract More Birds

Creating Your Birdwatching Retreat

Creating a backyard birdwatching sanctuary can transform your outdoor spaces into cheerful havens for you and your feathered friends. Here are some ideas for creating your backyard birdwatching retreat. 

Fresh Bird Seed

Birds need a nutritious diet to stay healthy. Offering a variety of fresh bird seed can attract a diverse range of bird species. Stock your feeders with non-sprouting mixed seeds to cater to different songbird preference and keep your yard free of shell debris. See a selection of our wild bird seed here…

Bird Feeder Types

Different birds have different feeding habits. Seed feeders are good for songbirds like the chickadee, house finches, and oak titmouse. Finch feeders are perfectly suited for little clingers like goldfinches, while suet feeders can attract insect-eating birds like woodpeckers and nuthatches. See a selection of our wild bird feeders here…

Hummingbird Feeders

We like the Hummzinger Hummingbird feeders by Aspects for unobstructed views of the hummers. They come with a built-in ant moat, made in the USA, and guaranteed for life.     For nectar, use 1 part C&H white sugar to 4 parts water. NO red dye—their little kidneys can’t handle added chemicals. 

Baffles & Squirrel Busters

To help deter squirrels from raiding your feeders, use baffles and or a Squirrel Buster bird feeder. These clever devices can be placed above or below feeders to prevent unwanted guests from accessing the bird food.

Bird Baths

Water is essential for birds not just for drinking but also for bathing. Bird baths provide a place for birds to drink and keep their feathers healthy. A water source with shelter nearby will
attract a variety of bird species.

Bird Houses

Bird boxes  offer cavity-nesters a place to raise their young. Different species have different nesting preferences, so consider offering a variety of birdhouses to accommodate bluebirds, wrens, or chickadees. No perches required. Download a pdf for setting up your avian housing here https://losgatosbirdwatcher.com/resources/tip-sheets/

Nesting Material

You can help birds by providing nesting material made out of natural materials such as small twigs or pet hair (not dryer lint). In the store we offer nesting material specifically designed for birds. You can hang this nesting material near your birdhouse.

The Garden

Planting California-native flowers and shrubs provides natural food sources and shelter. Brightly colored flowers attract hummingbirds and California native milkweed attracts butterflies for a cheerful, inviting space.

Bird Therapy

Birdwatching is a form of therapy—”ornitherapy”—that can reduce stress. By creating this welcoming environment for birds, you not only help them thrive but also create a peaceful retreat for yourself. Consider situating a bird feeder outside a window where your indoor cat resides, to create some fun entertainment for kitty too. Happy birdwatching!

Creating Your Backyard Birdwatching Retreat

Creating a backyard birdwatching sanctuary can transform your outdoor spaces into cheerful havens for you and your feathered friends. Here are some ideas for creating your backyard birdwatching retreat. 

Fresh Bird Seed

Birds need a nutritious diet to stay healthy. Offering a variety of fresh bird seed can attract a diverse range of bird species. Stock your feeders with non-sprouting mixed seeds to cater to different songbird preference and keep your yard free of shell debris. See a selection of our wild bird seed here https://losgatosbirdwatcher.com/feeding-birds/wild-bird-seed/ 

Bird Feeder Types

Different birds have different feeding habits. Seed feeders are good for songbirds like the chickadee, house finches, and oak titmouse. Finch feeders are perfectly suited for little clingers like goldfinches, while suet feeders can attract insect-eating birds like woodpeckers and nuthatches. See a selection of our wild bird feeders here https://losgatosbirdwatcher.com/feeding-birds/bird-feeders-baffles/

Hummingbird Feeders

We like  the Aspects Hummingbird feeders for unobstructed views of the hummers. They come with a built-in ant moat. Guaranteed to keep your nectar-lovers coming back to your garden. We advise 1 part sugar to 4 parts water with NO red dye. Aspects feeders are Made in the USA and guaranteed for life. 

Baffles & Squirrel Buster

To help deter squirrels from raiding your feeders, use baffles and or a Squirrel Buster bird feeder. These clever devices can be placed above or below feeders to prevent unwanted guests from accessing the bird food.

Bird Baths

Water is essential for birds not just for drinking but also for bathing. Bird baths provide a place for birds to drink and keep their feathers healthy. A water source with shelter nearby will attract a variety of bird species.

Bird Houses

Bird boxes  offer cavity-nesters a place to raise their young. Different species have different nesting preferences, so consider offering a variety of birdhouses to accommodate bluebirds, wrens, or chickadees. No perches required. Download a pdf for setting up your avian housing here https://losgatosbirdwatcher.com/resources/tip-sheets/

Nesting Material

Help birds by providing nesting material such as small twigs or pet hair (NOT dryer lint). You can even purchase nesting material specifically designed for birds. We sell various kinds of nesting material in our store. 

The Garden

A backyard birdwatching sanctuary is a cheerful, inviting space. Planting native flowers and shrubs provides natural food sources and shelter. Brightly colored flowers can attract hummingbirds and California native milkweed can attract butterflies, adding to the charm of your garden.

Bird Therapy

Birdwatching is a form of therapy that can reduce stress. Some call it “ornitherapy.” By creating a welcoming environment for birds, you not only help them thrive but also create a peaceful retreat for yourself. Consider situating a bird feeder outside a window where your indoor cat resides, to create some fun entertainment for kitty too.

By providing fresh bird seed, a variety of feeders, bird baths, houses, and nesting materials, you can create a backyard haven. We wish you Happy birdwatching Oct 15, 2024